21 Days to a Stronger, Fitter BCM Program

You already know the importance of planning ahead to protect your business in times of distress. Business continuity management (BCM)—the development of strategies, plans, and actions that provide protection for your business in the face of what could be seriously damaging or potentially fatal disruptive incidents—is a critical component of any company’s survival strategy, and the fact that you’re working to perfect your program demonstrates a high level of commitment to ensuring that your business—and all of its employees—are well-positioned to emerge from a disruption unscathed.

In this webinar we discussed:
- T
he key components of a BCM program
How to assess the fitness of your program
- ​​​​​​​Where to concentrate your efforts
- H​​​​​​​ow to plan for continued success

Learn how to identify and address the key pieces in your BCM program that can lead to a quick win with lasting effects

On July 12, 2017, Michael Herrera presented this webinar on how to assess the fitness of your BCM program and plan for continued success.
Get instant access to the presentation slides and the full video presentation by filling out the form below.
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